Grace Bomb Partners
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Our Work
Saint Johns, MI, 48879, US
About St. John's
In November of 1869, St. John's Lutheran Church was founded by a small group of immigrants.
In 1956, the Holy Spirit moved the people to elect a new site, the current location, to carry on God's work of feeding His sheep and proclaiming the good news.
In 1974, the education wing, offices and youth room were added.
In 1993, the sanctuary was remodeled and stained glass windows were added as a continual reminder pointing God's people to His plan of salvation.
In 2016, God's people were once again moved with a vision to add additional space for expanding ministry into the community. A new addition was dedicated that included new classrooms, a new kitchen, new church offices, and a gymnasium.
Over the years, the congregation has Called and God has sent many beloved pastors to preach His Word, comfort souls with the means of grace, and provide pastoral care. Jesus Christ, The Good Shepherd, has provided and continues to provide for His people.
We are a congregation of forgiven sinners learning to trust in the Lord of the Church, who has revealed Himself to do great things through the small and weak of this world. We pray that everyone feel welcomed here, for this church and her ministry remains wholly the Lord's vineyard and all invited to come.
Seaford, DE, 19973, US
About Hope Church
We are so glad you're here! Hope Church exists to bring hope to Delmarva through Sunday morning experiences in Seaford, Delaware. We love serving Seaford and the surrounding cities in tangible ways. Hope Kids is one of those ways! Every Sunday we have meaningful experiences just for kids ages birth - 5th grade where they can have fun in a safe and exciting environment crafted just for them to learn about Jesus on their level. To find out more about who we are and what we believe, click the link below.
Bell, CA, 90201, US
About Bell Friends - Afirmacion de Fe
Estas breves y simples creencias bíblicas expresan nuestro entendimiento de nuestra fe cristiana que tenemos en común con otros creyentes.
1. Creemos en el único y suficiente Dios, que existe eternamente en tres personas: Dios Padre, Dios Hijo, y Dios Espíritu Santo.
2. Creemos que todos los humanos, masculino y femenino, fueron creados por Dios a su imagen para ser amados y conocidos por El. Fuimos creados para glorificar y disfrutar a Dios, pero nuestra relación con El y nuestra propia naturaleza se ha quebrantado por el pecado que nos ha hecho a todos sujetos al juicio de Dios.
3. Creemos que todo nuestro mundo, físico y espiritual, visible e invisible, fue creado por Dios. Creemos que nuestro mundo también está quebrantado por el pecado y permanece en corrupción y rebelión y en necesidad de una redención de parte de Dios.
4. Creemos que el regalo de Dios de su Hijo, es el único y suficiente camino que nosotros encontramos para ser salvos de culpa, poder y consecuencias eternas de nuestros pecados y ser restaurados a una relación completa con El. Creemos que recibimos esta salvación solamente por nuestro arrepentimiento y nuestra fe en la muerte expiatoria y la resurrección corporal de Jesucristo.
Dardanelle, AR, 72834, US
About Home Church
We believe that Jesus established and is building His Church. The Church is the representative hands, feet, and heart of Jesus on earth. We are here to demonstrate and display to the world who God is and how He loves us, His creation. As his church we are to continue the work of Jesus by finding those who are far from God and helping them become fully devoted followers of Christ.
(Matthew 16:18-19; Acts 2:41-47; 5:11-14; 13:1-3; 16:5; 20:28; 1 Corinthians 7:17; 9:13-14; 12; Ephesians 1:22-23; 2:19-22; 3:10-12; Colossians 1:18; 3:15; 1 Timothy 4:14; Revelation 21:2-3)
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